Special Populations
特殊人口办公室旨在为学生提供支持服务, resource referrals, customized workshops, and life skills. 该计划提供有效的指导,帮助学生克服留在学校和实现他们的职业目标的障碍.
- Single Parent and/or Single Pregnant Woman: 未婚者未婚或与配偶分居的人, 对未成年子女有单独或共同监护权, AND/OR expecting the birth of a child.
- Non-Traditional Career Trainee: 入读职业课程的个人,该课程传统上没有被他/她的性别所代表.
- 英语水平有限的个人: 说话能力有限的人, reading, writing, 或懂英语但母语不是英语的人.
- Individual with a Disability: 有生理或精神障碍的人,严重限制了一项或多项主要的生活活动.
- Economically Disadvantaged: 来自经济困难家庭的人,包括寄养儿童. 这个人必须是以下一个或多个:佩尔助学金或其他基于需求的经济援助接受者.
- Homeless Individuals: 无家可归是指缺乏固定的、正常的和适当的住房. 如果你住在收容所,你可能无家可归, parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, 或者因为无处可去而暂时和别人住在一起. Also, 如果你生活在上述任何一种情况下,并逃离虐待你的父母,你可能会被认为是无家可归者,即使你的父母会提供一个地方居住.
- 在寄养系统内或已离开寄养系统的青少年: 这包括但不限于:安置在寄养家庭, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and preadoptive homes.
- 非劳动人口个人(前失业家庭主妇): 未充分就业或失业的人,在获得就业或提升就业方面遇到困难, 及/或(1)主要从事无报酬的工作以照顾家庭, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; AND/OR (2) Has been dependent upon the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; AND/OR (3) Is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)不迟于父母根据本章申请援助之日起2年.
Our staff helps you:
- Transition into the college setting
- 帮助获得经济援助(学费、杂费和所需书籍)
- Assessment testing & evaluation
- Counseling
- Tutoring
- 非传统职业信息
学生可以自己开始使用这些服务,也可以由学院工作人员推荐, faculty, area high school counselors, social agency personnel, or other professionals.